Education Loan
The Federal Government offers students in advanced stages of education the opportunity to take out a low-interest loan in accordance with the funding regulations of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).
The aim of the education loan is to secure and accelerate training or to finance exceptional expenditure not covered by the Federal Training Assistance Act (BAföG) in order to shorten the course of study or to avoid dropping out of study due to a lack of financial resources. The funding is independent of the assets and income of the applicant and his/her parents.
The available financial framework is limited and is set annually by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. There is no legal claim to the granting of the education loan.
Detailed information on the prerequisites, the funding regulations, the approval and credit procedure and the application process can be obtained from the Federal Office of Administration at and from the Bildungskredit hotline on 022 899 358 44 92, or bildungskredit