Closing times
Closing times of our refectories and cafeterias
location | period of time |
Refectory Berthold-Beitz-Platz, Greifswald | 23.12.2024-03.01.2025 |
Refectory Campus Loefflerstraße, Greifswald | 23.12.2024-03.01.2025 |
Mensa-Café "ins grüne" Berthold-Beitz-Platz, Greifswald | 23.12.2024-03.01.2025 |
Mensa-Café "ins grüne" Campus Loefflerstraße, Greifswald | 23.12.2024-03.01.2025 |
Mensa-Café „ins grüne“ at the university hospital, Greifswald | 24.12.2024 und 31.12.2024 |
Refectory Stralsund | 23.12.2024-03.01.2025 |
Mensa-Café „ins grüne“ Stralsund | 23.12.2024-03.01.2025 |
Refectory Neubrandenburg | 23.12.2024-03.01.2025, 30.05.2025, 22.12.2025-02.01.2026 |
Mensa-Café „ins grüne“ Neubrandenburg | 23.12.2024-03.01.2025, 03.-14.02.2025, 02.05.2025, 30.05.2025, 28.07.-05.09.2025, 22.12.2025-02.01.2026 |
Why are there closing times in our refectories during the semester break?
We are aware of the displeasure of students who would like to use our refectories every day during the semester break and are faced with closed doors. We would therefore like to explain why closing times are necessary by answering a few questions.
Our refectories in Neubrandenburg and Stralsund as well as the refectory at the Campus Loefflerstraße in Greifswald have so-called closing times during the semester break. We try to limit the summer closing times to 4 weeks each.
We inform about our closing times through various channels. Up to three weeks before closing time, information can be found on the daily menus. On our homepage we provide information in the sections "News" and "Closing times". Notices on the location point out possible alternatives and posts on our Facebook page additionally remind you of this.
In the refectory at the Campus Loefflerstraße in Greifswald we serve an average of 750 meals a day to students, staff and guests. At the moment (end of July, two weeks after the end of the lecture period) there are only 400 meals a day on average. Many students and employees take leave of absence after the exams at the latest. For this reason, the number of portions will be further reduced to around 250 meals a day in the next few days.
No, by no means! One facility at each location will remain open throughout the summer. In Stralsund and Neubrandenburg we offer at least two additional lunch dishes at the opended facility. In Greifswald, the refectory at Berthold-Beitz-Platz remains open regularly in summer.
We wish all students, no matter where they spend their semester break, a wonderful summer! We are already looking forward to the next semester with you!