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Closing times

Closing times of our refectories and cafeterias

location period of time
Refectory Berthold-Beitz-Platz, Greifswald 23.12.2024-03.01.2025
Refectory Campus Loefflerstraße, Greifswald 23.12.2024-03.01.2025
Mensa-Café "ins grüne" Berthold-Beitz-Platz, Greifswald 23.12.2024-03.01.2025
Mensa-Café "ins grüne" Campus Loefflerstraße, Greifswald 23.12.2024-03.01.2025
Mensa-Café „ins grüne“ at the university hospital, Greifswald 24.12.2024 und 31.12.2024
Refectory Stralsund 23.12.2024-03.01.2025
Mensa-Café „ins grüne“ Stralsund 23.12.2024-03.01.2025
Refectory Neubrandenburg 23.12.2024-03.01.2025, 30.05.2025, 22.12.2025-02.01.2026
Mensa-Café „ins grüne“ Neubrandenburg 23.12.2024-03.01.2025, 03.-14.02.2025, 02.05.2025, 30.05.2025, 28.07.-05.09.2025, 22.12.2025-02.01.2026

Why are there closing times in our refectories during the semester break?

We are aware of the displeasure of students who would like to use our refectories every day during the semester break and are faced with closed doors. We would therefore like to explain why closing times are necessary by answering a few questions.