General information on childcare
The Youth Welfare Office of the municipality in which you live is responsible for admitting the child to a childcare facility ( nursery, kindergarten, after-school care) and for day care (childminder). The admission requirements and the need are checked there.
Students with low income can apply for a refund of parental fees. You can obtain information material and further advice on the forms of care from the youth welfare offices.
Kinderbetreuung in Greifswald
Kita Campuskinder
Die Kindertagesstätte ist die erste Kita des Studierendenwerkes Greifswald. Mit der Kita möchte das Studierendenwerk in erster Linie den Studierenden und den Mitarbeitern der Greifswalder Universität das Studieren bzw. Arbeiten mit Kind/ern erleichtern.
Childcare in Neubrandenburg
You can find all important information about childcare via the family portal of the Neubrandenburg University of Applied Sciences.
Childcare in Stralsund
In the Hanseatic city of Stralsund there are enough places for regular childcare. On the family web platform of the University of Applied Sciences Stralsund you can find a wide range of information on childcare facilities (Kita-List, Kita-Plan, addresses, contact persons, flexible childcare offers).